Here’s the First Step To Creating A Cash Pulling Sales Letter

Adding a single word to your blog posts can triple your conversion rates.

Words can be really powerful and being able to write good copy for your blogs, emails and sales letters is a skill that will literally pay the bills.

Thankfully writing copy is not some mystical voodoo thing reserved for the initiated. It’s actually a quite formulaic skill that can be learned – and you’re already a master persuasion artist!

Think back to when you were a kid…

You wanted something from your folks. Maybe you wanted to borrow the car. Or perhaps you wanted to go somewhere that you knew they wouldn’t be thrilled about. Either way, you probably didn’t just come right out and ask for what you wanted, did you?


You spent some time in your room, mulling over the right away to convince your folks to your way of thinking. You came up with your arguments. And you thought about the best way to approach the individuals you needed to speak to.

See, even at that tender age you already knew quite a bit about persuasion. You knew you needed to construct your request just right in order to get a positive response. And what’s more, you tweaked your message depending on whom you were talking to.

Now you can take those same skills, polish them and apply them to your sales materials to create high response ads and letters!

Just as when you were a kid and you needed to create a custom-tailored argument, your first step in creating a good sales letter is to get inside your prospects’ heads in order to truly understand what motivates them. Once you do this, you can create a custom-tailored sales letter that speaks directly to their needs, wants and fears.

How do you do this?

Simple: You need to become a part of your target market – or at least spend some time with your market.

For example: If you’re selling to people who live in RVs, then rent an RV and live in an RV park for a week. If you’re selling to golfers, take up golf so that you can talk to other golfers. If you’re selling to college students, spend a lot of time on your local college campus.

Now, I realize this isn’t always possible. For example, if you’re a male trying to sell a product to women who do yoga, then you probably can’t join a female-only yoga class.

However, you CAN go online and join any number of social networks, forums and blogs to eavesdrop on your target market. Read the archives on these sites. Look for patterns, such as discussion points that come up repeatedly. Take note of which topics (and their associated emotions) create flaming-hot discussions. And, whenever possible, join the discussion and ask your own questions.

You see, until you actually become a part of your market (or at least immerse yourself in it), you’re just guessing about what motivates your market. And so any sales letter you create will fall flat. But once you know how to get inside your prospects’ head – and once you know how to stir their emotions – you’ll be well on your way to creating a high response sales letter.

Of course that’s just the beginning. Your next step is to take what you know about your prospects and plug it into the proven, time-tested copy writing formula – the same formula the world’s best copywriters use every day to turn out cash pulling sales letters. And now you can get your hands on this formula for free by clicking here now!

Go here to claim your free Silver Membership at Power Copy Club (normally $27.00) – Just Use This Special Link For Free Access!

The #1 Secret Tool The Pro Bloggers Use

What is the number one secret tool that almost all pro bloggers and developers use?

It’s not a plugin… it’s not a theme… and it’s not some fancy curation software either.

What they all have in common is that they run WordPress on a local server for testing and backup purposes. Here at IM Wealth Builders we have been doing the same for years – in fact every single plugin and theme we have ever built, has been developed on localhost first.

But using localhost is not just for developers – it’s something all WordPress bloggers can benefit from doing.

Essentially using your own development server means running a fully functional version of WordPress on your own computer – offline (ie. not published/live on the internet).

There are a number of very good reasons for doing this…

  • Testing if new themes and plugins work with your current setup before messing up your live blogs.
  • Testing changes you would like to make in your theme before messing with the files on your real blogs
  • Testing stuff on localhost is super fast compared to live blogs
  • It’s great if you are a developer building plugins and themes (or want to check work your outsourcers have done).’
  • Testing new WordPress, theme and plugin updates before you add them to your site
  • Quickly fixing bugs and problems on your live blogs
  • And much more… you can read more about it here

The problem is that running WordPress on a local server is a very difficult and time consuming thing to set up – previously it has been reserved for the real tech heads and developers.

But our very good friend Matt Garrett has just released a great product called WP Simulator

It shows you step-by-step how you can start using localhost for WordPress today and all the ways you can benefit from it – and it does so using free resources.

It’s geared to help you transform the way you build, test and repair WordPress sites faster than normally possible. If like me you find WordPress development slow then you should take a look this.

Matt Garrett, a pro blogger of some 10 years & his techies have found an easy way to run a rapid test version of WordPress on any PC or MAC. The traditional way of doing this involves editing complex server files and following multi-step install procedures…

Matt doesn’t release many products, the last 3 have all been top sellers – I have no doubt this one will be too.

It’s one of those products that won’t immediately put dollars in your pocket but it’s one you’ll wish you knew about years earlier as it will make your life a whole lot easier…

We highly recommend WP Simulator – so click on the banner below to have a look and grab a copy for yourself, before the price goes up.

Can You REALLY Make Money With a Membership Site?

In my last post “How To Get Quality Blog Content Without Writing A Single Word” – I was talking about our Covert Social Press theme. One of the key features in the theme is that you can have real members join your site. It’s first and foremost a social bookmarking theme, but you could say that it has a membership site component too.

Membership marketing has long been one of our favorite strategies – and here are some of the reasons why…

When most marketers decide to start selling information products online, they usually start selling ebooks. But did you know that you can offer the same information in a slightly different format and actually make more money? It’s true. And that’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do in this article.

Let’s consider for a moment the different ways you can deliver content. We’ll focus mainly on the online methods, although you certainly can deliver physical products such as books and home study courses and live events such as webinars.

Here are the main downloadable options:

* Ebooks and reports. Almost everyone who sells information online offers ebooks and reports. Usually, these are low-priced ($50 or less) and sometimes free. It’s a great choice for entry-level products to pull people into your sales funnel.

* Audios. Audio interviews and audio ebooks have a slightly higher perceived value. That means you can take the same information as an ebook, turn it into an audio and charge a higher price.

* Videos. Videos are the next step up, meaning you can take the same information as offered in an ebook or audio, turn it into a video and people will consider it to be worth more. Naturally, that means you can charge more.

* Membership sites. The perceived value of a membership site largely depends on what you’re offering inside. For example, an ebook-only membership site is going to have a lower perceived value than a site that includes videos.

Now, you may want to incorporate all four of these products into your sales funnel. For example: You can use your ebooks as entry-level products, your audios and videos as intermediate products, and your membership sites for your expert-level products.

But here’s another idea…

Just skip all the other products and get people directly into your membership site. Indeed, you can use your membership site as a sales funnel. That means you can offer free “bronze” memberships and then upgrade your free members to paid memberships.

If you’ve spent any time studying membership site marketing before, then you already know just how profitable it can be. In fact, I bet you’ve even crunched the numbers before. For example, if you get just 1000 members paying you $17 a month, you pull in a cool $17,000 every month.

Well – close but not quite.

You’d pull in $17,000 every month only IF you can keep all 1000 of those members… or if you can rapidly replace the members who are constantly quitting the site. Most marketers can’t do that. And so their sites eventually just make a couple hundred dollars a month.

You see, that’s because most membership site marketers don’t consider the churn rate (that’s the number of people who’ll drop out of your site every month). Truth is, most customers who are paying a monthly fee in a recurring membership site cancel after just three, four or maybe five months (if you’re lucky). And so you need to work hard all year around just to keep your membership numbers up.

Now before you toss out the idea of running a membership site, let me tell you that there is an easier and FAR more profitable way to do it. And best of all, it’s easy to get members because you don’t even have to sell anything on the front end.

Sound a little too good to be true? It’s not. And if you act right now, you can get all the details for free. Go here to claim your free Silver Membership at Membership Marketers Club (normally $27.00) – Just Use This Special Link For Free Access! … and discover how you can triple YOUR membership site profits!

How To Get Quality Blog Content Without Writing A Single Word

Content Curation is a term that gets thrown around way too much these days. Basically all the slick marketers are labeling their inferior auto blogging plugins as content curators – when in reality they are just content scrapers… and there is a big difference between scraping and curating!

So What Is Content Curation?

The hint is in the name… Think of it as being the curator of a museum. You collect valuable and interesting content that other people have produced.

You sort them, verify them and display them neatly for the public. Thus performing a service, making it easier for people to find what they want. And just like a museum usually
charges an admission fee – you can monetize your content curation sites with ads, links to products etc.

At the other end of the spectrum content scraping would be the museum equivalent of just putting anything up for display without any regards to whether it’s junk or gold.

The Benefits Of Content Curation

1. Obviously one of the main benefits is that you don’t have to write any content yourself (or at least not as much). This frees up time to work on more projects and to better monetize existing ones.

2. If you get it right in Google’s (and your visitor’s) eyes and add value to the content you curate, you will be rewarded and can get massive amounts of free quality search engine traffic – while piggy backing on other people’s work.

3. Good content curation is also very beneficial for linking. Your outgoing links will be good and helpful (since that is the very idea of content curation). But as mentioned earlier you will also get a lot of automatic incoming links to your site, especially when you curate content from other WordPress blogs on to your own WP blog.

One of my favorite content curation sites is – you probably know it too as it is also one of the most successful ones.

Now wait a minute… you may think that Digg is a social bookmarking site not a content curation site! But it is of course both… Digg has always been curating content – they never publish their own content, at it’s heart Digg is just a collection of links to news, articles, blog posts etc.

And while Digg does curate content themselves by manually selecting stuff to go on their page. The vast majority of their content is curated (bookmarked and voted up) by their members, which of course is the social bookmarking side of things.

Imagine that… Not only are they not publishing content – they don’t even have to curate it themselves. Digg is almost an autopilot business… but a huge one with millions of members, billions of views and they are loved by Google and all the other search engines.

Digg was one of the first really successful social bookmarking sites. Other sites like Facebook and Pinterest has since come along and removed some of the focus from Digg. To be honest I had completely forgotten about them, until I recently noticed that they had gotten a new look…

That made me sit up and take notice again – because it just looks like a million bucks (and trust me it’s worth a lot more than that).

And while I may have forgotten about them – millions of people had not. And Digg is still going very strong – which comes down to their very clever model of user driven content curation.

It also made me think that I would like to have a content curation site just like Digg. Not that I had any ambitions of directly competing against them…

But we thought it would be possible to use the exact same concept and technology to run social bookmarking and content curation site on a smaller scale… and still reap massive rewards in terms of traffic and profit from that site – and as an aid to improve the ranking and earnings of our other blogs.

So that’s what we set out to build…

Introducing… Covert Social Press

It makes your blog LOOK like Digg!

Right out of the box without any need for modifications your Covert Social Press sites will look just as cool as Digg. But of course you also get full flexibility to modify any part of your sites look – the easy one click color and feature selectors makes it a breeze to create

It makes your blog WORK like Digg!

Looks aren’t everything, but Covert Social Press will also function just like Digg. Your Covert Social Press Blogs will be fully functioning social bookmarking sites where users can sign up, bookmark content, vote content up, share it on social media sites etc.

Your users will build your site for you!

That means that the script already has bookmarking applets and social bookmarking scripts built in and available right on the site… So you can have other people curate content and build your site for you!

It Will Generate Leads For You!

And when someone creates a user account on your site, their details will be recorded in WP. That means you add them to your auto responder lists and market to them. These will mostly be people looking for more traffic to their own sites, so they are the prime target market for selling internet marketing products too. Or maybe you want to run a niche blog Covert Social Press style – do you think it would be profitable to have a list of people who like to bookmark for example articles about cooking? You bet it would – very profitable indeed!

But You Don’t Have To Rely On Other People!

While you can have users create accounts and help you build your site – that is just a nice bonus, not something that is needed to succeed. You can start out on your own, and indeed build very successful Covert Social Press sites without ever getting any members. With the one click bookmarking applet – you can literally curate content and fully populate your Covert Social Press site in a matter of minutes!

You Don’t Have To Write A Single Word!

You will be able to build as many of these Covert Social Press sites as you like, without ever writing anything yourself – and still rank high and get loads of traffic due to the power of content curation. But… The Covert Social Press theme also allows you to easily publish your own content among your curated content – bringing you the best of both worlds and letting you decide on the mix you want.

It Will Automatically Build Links For You!

Good curated outgoing links… But also automatic incoming links when you add content from other blogs to your Covert Social Press sites. It even comes with an inbuilt plugin that will optimize the internal links on your own content.

It Sucks Traffic From Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest!

Just like Digg, your Covert Social Press site will let your visitors vote stories up and share them with their friends on other social media sites. This is set up so it will automatically build social backlinks and traffic for your site

It Will Make You Money

Not only can you leverage your new Covert Social Press sites to drive more traffic and links to your other blogs. Covert Social Press is also fully ready for you to monetize, with widget ready sidebars, footer etc. for any ads and links you want. We have even included some very clever extra monetization options that will let you leverage your content creation for maximum profit.

Click On The Banner Below To Watch The Demo Video & See Covert Social Press In Action…

Making Money Online Starts With These Steps

In a previous post we discussed how You’re Currently Missing Out On 70% Of Your Potential Social Traffic! and how our Covert Copy Traffic plugin can help you regain that lost traffic fast.

But as important as traffic is – it’s only part of the puzzle when it comes to making money online. You can’t make money without traffic, but in itself traffic is worthless.

You’ve heard the stories of people making an incredible amount of money online. Sometimes it’s a little hard to believe. But the stories are true.

When you investigated further, you were amazed to discover these weren’t the online versions of Donald Trump. Usually, these folks who are pulling in all this cash are just regular people. People just like you and me. Average folks.

Then it hits you – you can do this too. You can make money online too. And all you have to do is create a simple ebook and start selling it on Clickbank or JVZoo

So far so good. But here’s where the wheels come off the money-making bus for most people…

Because you hear so much about making money with ebooks, aspiring online marketers often start working on their ebooks immediately. Eventually they finish the ebook, create a sales page and start driving traffic to their site – at which point they get an unpleasant surprise…

No one wants to buy the product. And so they don’t make a dime. Worse yet, all the time and money already poured into the venture are completely wasted.

So how do you avoid this nightmare scenario? It’s simple, really. All you have to do is find out what your market wants… and then give it to them. (As opposed to guessing what they want and then writing an ebook no one wants to read!)

Here’s the secret to finding out what people want: Simply find out what they’re ALREADY buying!

You see, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You shouldn’t guess. And you shouldn’t try to force products on people that you think they “need” (because if they don’t also want these products, you’ll go broke trying to convince people to buy them).

Here’s how to find out what people are already buying in three easy steps:

Step 1: Go to or and view the marketplace. Either browse the categories or use their search function to search for niche products. Those products at the top of the search results and categories are the bestsellers.

Step 2: Visit Next, go to Amazon and run a search for your market keywords (like “copywriting” or “making candles”). Those books appearing at the top of the search results are the most popular products in the niche.

Step 3: Run a quick search in Google. Finally, enter those same keywords into Google and see what pops up in the regular search results as well as the sponsored results. What are the top sites in your niche selling?

Once you complete these three simple steps, you’ll know exactly what your market is already buying. And then all you have to do is make a similar – but better – product! You do that by studying the competition, finding the flaws in their products, and making sure your product doesn’t include those same flaws.

TIP: You find out a product’s flaws simply by reading and using the product for yourself. But you can also search online for product reviews (check Amazon for starters). If you see customers repeatedly mentioning a weakness of the product, then you’ll instantly know how to create a better product.

Now that you know what your market wants, what’s the next step?

Simple: Claim a free Silver Membership at Web Profits Club (normally $27.00) – Just Use This Special Link For Free Access – Inside you will to discover six proven ways to profit from this hungry market – you’re about to be pleasantly surprised!