Making Money Online Starts With These Steps

In a previous post we discussed how You’re Currently Missing Out On 70% Of Your Potential Social Traffic! and how our Covert Copy Traffic plugin can help you regain that lost traffic fast.

But as important as traffic is – it’s only part of the puzzle when it comes to making money online. You can’t make money without traffic, but in itself traffic is worthless.

You’ve heard the stories of people making an incredible amount of money online. Sometimes it’s a little hard to believe. But the stories are true.

When you investigated further, you were amazed to discover these weren’t the online versions of Donald Trump. Usually, these folks who are pulling in all this cash are just regular people. People just like you and me. Average folks.

Then it hits you – you can do this too. You can make money online too. And all you have to do is create a simple ebook and start selling it on Clickbank or JVZoo

So far so good. But here’s where the wheels come off the money-making bus for most people…

Because you hear so much about making money with ebooks, aspiring online marketers often start working on their ebooks immediately. Eventually they finish the ebook, create a sales page and start driving traffic to their site – at which point they get an unpleasant surprise…

No one wants to buy the product. And so they don’t make a dime. Worse yet, all the time and money already poured into the venture are completely wasted.

So how do you avoid this nightmare scenario? It’s simple, really. All you have to do is find out what your market wants… and then give it to them. (As opposed to guessing what they want and then writing an ebook no one wants to read!)

Here’s the secret to finding out what people want: Simply find out what they’re ALREADY buying!

You see, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You shouldn’t guess. And you shouldn’t try to force products on people that you think they “need” (because if they don’t also want these products, you’ll go broke trying to convince people to buy them).

Here’s how to find out what people are already buying in three easy steps:

Step 1: Go to or and view the marketplace. Either browse the categories or use their search function to search for niche products. Those products at the top of the search results and categories are the bestsellers.

Step 2: Visit Next, go to Amazon and run a search for your market keywords (like “copywriting” or “making candles”). Those books appearing at the top of the search results are the most popular products in the niche.

Step 3: Run a quick search in Google. Finally, enter those same keywords into Google and see what pops up in the regular search results as well as the sponsored results. What are the top sites in your niche selling?

Once you complete these three simple steps, you’ll know exactly what your market is already buying. And then all you have to do is make a similar – but better – product! You do that by studying the competition, finding the flaws in their products, and making sure your product doesn’t include those same flaws.

TIP: You find out a product’s flaws simply by reading and using the product for yourself. But you can also search online for product reviews (check Amazon for starters). If you see customers repeatedly mentioning a weakness of the product, then you’ll instantly know how to create a better product.

Now that you know what your market wants, what’s the next step?

Simple: Claim a free Silver Membership at Web Profits Club (normally $27.00) – Just Use This Special Link For Free Access – Inside you will to discover six proven ways to profit from this hungry market – you’re about to be pleasantly surprised!

How To Create A Best Selling Product

In my last post “The Best Way To Use Youtube With WordPress“, I mentioned that Covert Video Press is our all time best selling WordPress product.

But how do you create a best selling product?

Should you sell products that people need? The answer might surprise you. And that’s because the answer is “not always.”

You see, lots of beginning marketers start out by creating products that people need. But here’s the thing: Needing a product and WANTING a product are not the same thing. If you’re creating products that people need but don’t want, you’ll go bankrupt trying to persuade your prospects that they should want your product.

Instead, start by figuring out what your prospects want. (If they also need the product, that’s even better).

Let me show you what I mean…

What does a male college student need? He needs to get good grades. He needs to attend class. He needs to start getting higher grades on his exams.

But not every college student wants those things. There’s a group of college students who want to play sports and party. Going to class and getting good grades sit low on their priority list (probably somewhere near “cleaning their dorm”).

And that means that if you try to sell something that this group needs, like a “How to Get Straight A’s” book, you’ll fail. Miserably… because they don’t want it.

If you want to make money, you have to figure out what this group wants. You have to figure out what they’re already buying. And then you have to create something a little better.

For example, maybe this particular niche market devours books about drinking games. Or maybe this group wants to know how to go on a cheap spring break vacation to party spots like Cancun. Or who knows, perhaps this group wants to know how to get washboard abs so they can look great on the beach during spring break.

See what I mean? Bottom line is this: If you give people what they want (even if you don’t think they need it), you’ll find the money. And if you give people products they both want and need, you’ll do even better.

And now for the million-dollar question…

How do you find out what people want?

Some experts suggest that you survey your market. You ask them. But you know what? While surveys can give you some interesting insights and ideas you’d never have thought about before, surveys can also be biased. Just because someone says they would buy a certain type of product doesn’t mean they actually would buy it if the opportunity arose.

So here’s what you do instead…

Find out what your market is ALREADY buying. Now you don’t have to guess whether the survey is accurate. You don’t have to predict what your market would do in “real life.” You find out for sure by seeing where your market already spends their money.

If you’re selling information products (like ebooks), then you can start by:

* Finding out what’s selling on Clickbank and JVZoo
* Finding out what kinds of books your market is buying on
* Finding out what the top websites in your niche are selling and advertising. (Just search for your main keywords in Google and see what your competitors are selling/promoting.)

It’s that easy.

Now, just knowing you need to create a product that your market wants isn’t going to automatically put profits in your pocket. You also need to figure out what kind of product you should create. And you need to learn the secrets of creating hot products, fast.

You can learn about these issues and more by claiming your free Product Profits Club Silver membership (normally $27.00). You’ll save time and money once you know these product creation secrets! Just Use This Special Link For Free Access!